
We recognise that these times are very challenging for everyone, and so we particiularly draw your attention to the opportunities outside our conferences and events. Below are many ways that you can engage and promote your services, products and advice to membership organisations.

  • Sponsor the AAE
  • Supplier Membership of AAE
  • Supplier Directory
  • Advertise in the eBulletin newsletter
  • Advertise in the Association Insights Magazine
  • Advertise in the Associations Yearbook
  • Sponsor a Research report

Participate in and Sponsor events

  • Online Seminar Series - 4/6 event series sponsorship
  • Association Executive Forums - physical one-day events in London, Brussels, Geneva
  • Association Success Awards - co-located with the congresses
  • Associations World Congress - annual three-day event in mainland Europe
  • Associations UK Congress - annual two-day event in the UK
  • Association Leaders Summits - annual 48 hour events in Europe

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