United Kingdom Association Success Awards 2024


The awards programme is a non-profit-making initiative recognizing success and sharing the best practice of projects across associations, where nominees pay a low admin fee for entering and for the ceremony. The awards are supported by the most distinguished associations and societies, and has the highest reputation for fair and good practice. 

The Association of Association Executives has been recognising and sharing success since 2006.


Why Nominate for the awards

Gain recognition

For your contribution to the success of the organisation and service to your members

Demonstrate your hard work

Show the quality of the work you produce for your members and the organisation


Enhance your brand

Add to your organisation's reputation with a great PR opportunity

Receive recognition

Gain aknowledgement that can support your career progression



Who you can nominate

  • Yourself, a colleague, a friend in another association
  • A team you are in, or another one in your own or another association
  • A project of your own, of a colleague(s), or both, or a contact's
  • Your own association or an association you are acquainted with
  • A client association or a client project (if you are a supplier)
  • A supplier to associations can nominate their client association

Eligibility criteria

  • The related association should be national, regional, county, or town/city based within the United Kingdom
  • Associations that are International, European or have more than 30% of their members outside the United Kingdom are not eligible
  • Nominated people should be employees or under a long-term service contract






Nominate now