International & European Association Success Awards


We are delighted to announce the Finalists of this year's edition of the International & European Association Success Awards.

The finalists are determined by the level of scoring, not by ranking, and this means the number of finalists varies in each category.

Best Digital Transformation

  • ATTA - transforming membership to help local communities, African Travel & Tourism Association
  • Moving from 'data blind' to 'data lead', European Society of Endocrinology
  • Digital Communication Transformation Strategy, International Hip Preservation Society

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Initiative

  • EAU Talent Incubator Programme, European Association of Urology - Young Urologists Office
  • World Cancer Day - #CloseTheCareGap, Union for International Cancer Control

Sustainability Advocate

  • Airport Carbon Accreditation - Level 5, Airports Council International
  • Sustainability 3x3, IKW - Beauty and Household Association

Best New Event

  • Airspace World 2023, Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation
  • ‘European Renewable Gas: Evolution or Revolution?’, Eurogas - European Union of the Natural Gas Industry
  • Muffled Voices Festival, Lyrica Classic Entertainment Inc

Best Development of an Existing Event

  • AFIRE 2024 Winter Conference, Association of Foreign Investors in Real Estate
  • CECIMO Brussels Forum, European Association for Manufacturing Technologies
  • Eurospine Annual Meeting 2023, Eurospine
  • 2030 In Sight Live, International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness

Best Long-standing Event, Under 1000 participants

  • EIGCA Annual Meeting, European Institute of Golf Course Architects
  • EPIC Annual General Meeting, European Photonics Industry Consortium
  • ISHA Annual Scientific Conference, International Hip Preservation Society
  • Praxity North American International Tax Conference, Praxity Alliance
  • SolarPower Summit, SolarPower Europe

Best Long-standing Event, Over 1000 participants

  • World Hydropower Congress, International Hydropower Association
  • Worldchefs Congress & Expo, World Association of Chefs Societies
  • LPG Week, World Liquid Gas Association

Best Association Video

  • The Future of Oil is Clear, European Grouping of the Regenerative Industry
  • The ICRS Winglet TV Series 2023, International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society
  • IFU Institutional Video, International Fruit and Vegetable Juice Association
  • Global Hydropower Day Promotional Film, International Hydropower Association
  • Connecting the Dots, MedTech Europe

Best Association Podcast

  • The Cancer Researcher, European Association for Cancer Research
  • Shine On Policycast, SolarPower Europe

Effective Voice of the Year

  • EPLF Trends Campaign, European Producers of Laminate Flooring
  • #Because Hormones Matter 2023, European Society of Endocrinology
  • Use Heart Know Heart, World Heart Federation

Best Education or Professional Development Offering

  • EAHAD Academy, European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders
  • ECTS eCampus, European Calcified Tissue Society
  • Learn.ECTRIMS, European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis
  • IAS+, International AIDS Society
  • Future Shapers, International Association of Convention Centres

Best Event Technology

  • Conference Compass
  • CTI Meeting Technology
  • Glue Up

Best Association Technology

  • Druid
  • Glue Up
  • Multilearning
  • Pixl8

Association Executive of the Year

  • Giselle Ho, Head of Community, DistriPress
  • Jon Könz, President, Euralarm
  • Nick Parker, Director of Development and Operations, International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness
  • Holly Sisman, Operations Manager, Gafta

European Executive Director of the Year

  • Thomas Nowak, Secretary General, European Heat Pump Association
  • Feriel Saouli, Managing Director, European Producers of Laminate Flooring

International Executive Director of the Year

  • Sven Bossu, CEO, International Association of Convention Centres
  • Peter Douglas, CEO & Managing Director, International Powered Access Federation
  • Jean-Luc Eiselé, CEO, World Heart Federation
  • Caroline MacKenzie, Executive Director, International Hip Preservation Society

European Association of the Year

  • American Chamber of Commerce to the EU
  • DigitalEurope
  • European Heat Pump Association
  • International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness
  • MedTech Europe
  • SolarPower Europe

International Association of the Year

  • Alliance for Rural Electrification
  • International Hydropower Association
  • International National Trusts Organisation
  • International Water Resources Association
  • ISHA International Hip Preservation Society

Congratulations to all finalists!

Countdown to the Awards Ceremony

The Association of Association Executives has been recognising and sharing since 2006.

The ethos of all the AAE Awards is recognizing success and sharing the know-how across associations. The awards programme is a non-profit-making initiative where nominees pay a low admin fee for entering. 

The awards are supported by the most distinguished associations and societies, and have the highest reputation for fair and good practices.

Why nominate

There are many reasons to nominate in this awards:

  • Be recognised for your contribution to the sucess of the organisation
  • Show your members the quality of the work you produce for them and for their organisation
  • Enhance your organisation's brand and reputation with a great PR opportunity
  • Receive recognition that can support your career progression
  • Show appreciation for the hard work and results of your employees and volunteers
  • Nominate a supplier to promote their great service


Who/what to nominate

Who and what you can nominate:

  • Yourself, a colleague, a friend in another association
  • A team you are in, or another one in your own or another association
  • A project of your own, of a colleague(s), or both, or a contact's
  • Your own association or an association you are acquainted with
  • A client association or a client project (if you are a supplier)
  • A supplier to associations can nominate their client association (no fee)

The nine areas across which you can nominate:

  • People & Teams
  • Organisation
  • Leadership projects
  • Membership & Communities
  • Conferences & Events
  • Marketing & Communications
  • Education & Professional Development
  • Publishing & Information
  • Supplier Support


  • Nominations for Suppliers are free of charge and unlimited
  • In all other categories, Members of AAE get one free nomination and then 20% discount for additional nominations
  • The standard nomination fee is GBP 95.00
  • There is no fee to attend the Awards Ceremony in Graz, Austria - you can attend by booking on the Associations World Congress, within which the ceremony is held
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How to Nominate

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Awards Ceremony

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