16 Jan 2025

How does your association compare to its peers?

Explore insights from association: Participate in AAE's Benchmarking Programme

As association executives, you already know the value of benchmarking - a tool you regularly rely on to identify trends, evaluate performance and drive improvement. AAE believes that benchmarking in all areas of association business is important to maximise your value to members and sector. Providing valuable insights into performance, comparing yourself to organisations like your own is essential, and within a benchmarking programme there is the opportunity to learn from what other associations have been doing to improve their performance.

AAE has produced benchmarking reports over the years, and this year starts on a more extensive programme addressing many areas: AI in Associations and CRM/AMS in Associations being the first two in 2025, and to come shortly are 'Governance and Leadership' and 'Conference & Event Transformation'.

The reports will identify significant variances between types of associations and cross-tabulate the data where found. The main criteria to be examined will be organisation type (Business Member Organisations compared to Individual Member Organisations compared to Federations of associations) and Member Geography (National compared to Regional compared to International). Size of membership will also be examined.

Utilizing AI tools for analysis will enable the programme to examine in more details where there hasn't been the funds or time available before. Using the ReadyMembership Forms and Rules will also enable Users who complete the surveys (when logged in) to see recommendations tailored to their input and the results.

As a part of our Benchmarking Programme, we are inviting respondents to share successes in each area we benchmark and this will be combined in to our Seminar Programme and face-to-face Congresses and Executive Forums. These will also feed into AAE's Best Practice work.

By participating in these surveys, you contribute valuable data and experiences that shape the future. Only those who complete a benchmarking survey can gain access to the Key Findings and any detailed report. 

AAE's Current Benchmarking Projects

☰  AI in Associations

This benchmarking exercise explores how associations are adopting AI, the challenges they face, and the opportunities to leverage AI more effectively. By highlighting the current status of AI use, the survey aims to uncover the barriers that organisations face in fully harnessing AI’s potential and explore adoption succeses and strategies.

Who should participate?

  • Associations worldwide
  • Employees at all levels

Why participate?

  • Key Finding with insights on AI adoption, strategies, and methods
  • Personalised Benchmarking: Compare your results with similar organizations to guide your AI adoption decisions
  • Exclusive Discount: Receive a discount to attend AAE’s events on AI

Time to complete: 8–12 minutes

Start benchmarking your AI adoption here >>

☰  CRM / Association Management System in Associations

This benchmarking exercise evaluates how associations are using CRM and AMS tools successfully, identifying opportunities for improvement. It examines the current adoption rates, common features in use, greatest challenges and explores best practices and strategies to optimise these tools to help associations make the most of their CRM and AMS investments.

Who should participate?

  • Associations worldwide
  • Executive Heads, Directors, Senior Managers, or Heads of Membership or IT

Why Participate?

  • Key Findings: Learn how your CRM / AMS use compares across association
  • Personalised Benchmarking: Access tailored comparisons with similar organisations
  • Special Perk: Get a discount on AAE events focusing on CRM / AMS strategies

Time to complete: 12–15 minutes

Start benchmarking your CRM / AMS use here >>

AAE's Upcoming Benchmarking Projects

☰  Event transformation

Conference & Events strategy, key approaches relating to events portfolios, event strategy and how events are utilised to reach key organisation objectives.  Key data examined will be in the areas of market mapping, content generation, event marketing, sponsor and exhibitor participation and sales, as well as budgeting. 

Who should participate?

  • Associations worldwide
  • Executive Heads, Senior Managers, or Heads of Conferences & Events
☰  Leadership & Governance in Associations

This benchmarking exercise will assess how associations approach leadership and governance.

Who should participate?

  • Associations worldwide
  • Executive Heads, CEOs, Secretary Generals, Non-Executive Heads

Join us in these projects and gain the insights you need to make informed decisions, overcome challenges, and set your organization on a path to success.

For upcoming surveys in the Benchmarking Programme, watch this space.