Expert Advisory Panels

AAE Advisory Panel Members are experienced association executives that guide the development of the AAE, making recommendations on policy and operating procedures to the executive. They provide input into content and services in order that a high quality, relevant and responsive service can be provided. 

Members of AAE are invited to apply to one of the panels.


By topic
  • Leadership & Governance
  • Membership & Communities
  • Conferences & Events
  • Marketing & Communications
  • Education & Professional Development
  • Publishing & Data
  • Artificial Intelligence & Technology
Strategic Advisory Boards 
  • Africa
  • Asia Pacific
  • Europe
  • South Asia
  • United Kingdom
  • Small associations
  • Federations of associations

What Panel members do

  • Provide perspective on the AAE's activities
  • Act as a sounding board on subject and technical issues relevant to the AAE’s events, research, content, training, benchmarking and other offerings
  • Support the AAE executive team to develop and maintain links with the community
  • Expose the AAE executive to the full range of their views on issues relating to the AAE’s work
  • Review Resource Centre submissions from members (rating them and commenting where possible)
  • Lead the discussion starting occasional threads and commenting on other's threads, in the area of panel

Benefits for Panel members

  • Give back to the community
  • Network with other active association executives
  • Be instrumental in guiding the association community
  • Attend Expert Panel events
  • Attend AAE events free of charge (up to 10% of attendees of an event)

Apply to be an Association Advisory Panel member