Strengthening knowledge: The implementation of a learning platform
Incorporating a learning platform into an association's offerings can significantly enhance member value, foster professional growth, and strengthen the association's position as a vital resource within its industry or field. They offer continuous education opportunities, keeping members engaged beyond traditional events like conferences and seminars while supporting the dissemination of knowledge and best practices across different regions and cultures.
This Talk explores the development and impact of IAS+, a learning platform designed to bridge knowledge gaps in the global HIV response. Sara Jändel, Learning and Engagement Project Manager of the International AIDS Society explains how IAS+ empowers HIV professionals by providing free access to a wide range of educational resources. Sara has been leading the IAS+ project, which was awarded the Best Educational or Professional Development offering of the International & European Association Success Awards.
She addresses the platform's journey from conception to implementation, the challenges faced along the way, the successes achieved, and future plans for expanding its reach and enhancing its community-building capabilities, with focus on:
- The rationale behind developing a dedicated learning platform
- Detailed insights into the project’s implementation and progress to date
- Identification of main challenges encountered during the development and operational phases
- Future directions and plans for IAS+ to further its mission and impact
- Tips and tricks to develop a learning platform as an association